Sunday, May 29, 2011

Reflaction about the course

The course program had a different type of material that helps the student upgrade his listening, speaking, reading and writing skills and it helped me in different kind of English skills like writing and listening. The course improved my writing skills and I learned different types of writing subjects and  my reading skills improved too , now I can read fast without any problem, my listening skill got too much better, now what the speaker say clearly and understand each word that anyone say. The course was useful and helpful for me and it improved different skills in me and I hope everyone learn from this course to improve his English language.

Thank you Mr. Gregory

Monday, May 23, 2011

Graph/ Workers coming to Dubai

The graph shows the fluctuation in the number of workers from the UK and Canada coming to work in Dubai between 1990 and 2006.

The biggest change was in the number of workers coming to Dubai from Canada. In 1990, there were only 10,000 workers coming from Canada to Dubai. This number remained fairly stable. For two years, rising only to about 15,000. In comparison the number of workers coming from UK to Dubai in 1990 was almost 50,000 workers. In 1990 to 1992, this number rising to about 55,000 workers. However, between 1994 and 2000 the number of workers coming from UK to Dubai plunged. It fell from 65,000 workers in 1996 to just over 60,000 in 2000. From Canada, between 2002 and 2004 the number of workers coming to Dubai also plunged. It fell from about 88,000 in 2002 to just over 80,000 in 2004 than in 2006 both amount converged at 90,000.

Overall, the number of workers coming from UK and Canada are the same in 1996 but the number fluctuated over the last (1 ½) decades.

Word: 180


In many countries around the world, government censors restrict access to certain kinds of material for their citizens. Text books with political ideas, violent video games and all sorts of material can be blocked. Some people agree strongly with the need for censorship. They argue that it protects society. Others disagree, believing that they should be free to decide what they read, see or talk about.

This essay will describe the pros and cons of censorship. There are many arguments for censorship. The first argument is that censorship can be used to prevent politically motivated propaganda. There are many forms of propaganda that talk about politics in the wrong way. Another argument is that censorship can protect children from learning things that could harm them. There are many channels that destroy children’s thinking.

Also there are many arguments that disagree with censorship. The first argument is that it is used to control people. There are many people do not feel comfortable when you watching them. Another argument is that it can be used to distract facts or hide truths from the people. There are many news channels used this way to distract the people.

There are many good arguments for and against censorship. I agree that censorship is important for us, and protects us from anything that’s harmful. Hopefully this remains so.

Word: 243

Graph/Visitors to Canada 1996 to 2006

The graph shows fluctuation in the number of visitors to Canada from Spain and Japan between 1996 and 2006. Overall, there was a large change in the number of visitors to Canada in 1996 to 2006.

Starting in 1996, there was a significant difference in the number of visitors from Spain to Canada. There were almost 300,000 Spanish visitors, compared to 850,000 Japanese visitors. The number of visitors from Japan was 800,000 while 250,000 come from Spain in 1996. The number of Spanish visitors, as shown in the graph, different from the number of Japanese visitors by 50% in 1996. Also, the number of Spanish visitors was the highest in 2004 and the lowest in 1996. Moreover, the number of Spanish visitors grew significantly. Between 1996 and 1999 the visitors from Spanish sharply increased to 620,000 visitors. The fewest number of visitors from Spain was in 1996. The number of Japanese visitors remained steady from 1996 to 2001. In 1999 the number of Japanese visitors gradually decreased, on the other hand, the number of Spanish visitors sharply decreased.

In conclusion, the number of Japanese visitors outnumbered the Spanish visitors during the ten year period, overall.

Word: 203

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Argument/Mobile phones

Mobile phones are popular in the world. Many people use phone in the wrong way and it causes many dangerous accidents; I think that there are points against and in favor of the statement.

Let us talk about people who agree with using phones while driving. If illegal then police can stop people on the road, if there is a law then police are able to enforce it and give people tickets. Another reason is that the accident percentage will go down. If people aren’t using their mobile phones then they will concentrate on their driving. Yet another reason is that the traffic fines will help pay for traffic safety programs.

Let us talk now about people who disagree about using phones while driving. If you have an important call and you don’t have your headphones you can answer the phones later. Another reason is that businessman needs to talk on their phones while going to an appointment and if you have an emergency call.

In conclusion, using phones while you driving is dangerous, you can stop and complete your call on the side of the road and I think that using phones while you driving is a big risk for you so be careful.  

Words: 244

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Proportion of population over 65 and under25

The bar chart shows us the proportion of the population over 65 years old and under 25 years old in sex countries in 2009. There are big differences between these countries.

According to the chart two countries almost had the same proportion, at 48%population over 65 and under 25 these countries were Spain and France. However, in the Egypt the population under 25 more than the people have over 65, the population over 65 at 20% whereas, under 25 have 42%. Tunisia has 40%for the people under 25 but the people have over 65 less, at 23%. In Wales the proportion of the population almost the same by 29%but in the turkey the percentage of the population exactly the same between the people over 65 and under 25, at 25%.

Overall, the Egypt has the highest percentage for the population and the lowest percentage in Spain and France. Additionally the highest age over 65 in Spain and the lowest in Egypt


Types of sports injuries

The table shows types of sports injuries. Ten sports are mentioned. Overall, the highest number of sports injuries is Australian football. Volleyball has the lowest number of injuries.

The highest number of sports injuries is Australian football. The percentage of sports injuries is 24.5% and most some of them are admitted to hospital, at 7.5%. The percentage of soccer sports injuries is 9.2%, some of them are admitted to hospital. Rugby, netball and hockey had a same percentage of injuries during competition or practice with 95%, but there are differences in number of sports injuries.

In conclusion, the table shows that the highest number of sports injuries is Australian football, and rugby has a highest percentage of hospital admissions.